Types of Spousal Support: Compensatory and Non-Compensatory
/in Blog, Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshOur previous blog post on spousal support dealt with how spousal support is calculated, specifically the amount of spousal support and the duration of its payment. I also made mention to the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (“SSAG”) and how they influence the calculation of spousal support in Ontario. In this post, we will be delving deeper […]
Exclusive Possession of the Matrimonial Home
/in Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshOne of the more difficult choices to make when separating is deciding who will get to live in the matrimonial home, or what is otherwise known as exclusive possession. Both parties have likely developed an attachment to the home, and uprooting your life to move somewhere else can be a daunting and stressful experience. So […]
Net Family Property and Equalization: An Introduction
/in Blog, Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshEqualization is a payment from one spouse to the other at the end of a marriage. This equalization payment ONLY applies to married spouses, not to common law spouses. S. 5(1) of the Family Law Act (“FLA“) provides for Equalization when: A divorce is granted; Marriage is declared a nullity; When (married) spouses are separated and there is […]
Spousal Support: The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines
/in Blog, Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshSpousal support is often a very contentious issue on separation as it has a much more subjective approach than child support. A lot more factors go into determining a spousal support amount and there is no hard and fast rule on how it is to be calculated. The government has provided a set of guidelines […]
Child Support
/in Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshOne of the major issues at separation is how much child or spousal support will be paid from one spouse to the other. This can often become very contentious between separating spouses as it can greatly impact both of their finances. The Family Law Act (“FLA”) recognizes that each parent has an obligation to provide […]
Estate planning for Separated Couples – reasons to get your will done or re-done
/in Uncategorized, Wills & Estates /by Varun SharmaIn Ontario, simply being separated from your spouse and not obtaining legal divorce may put your estate plan in jeopardy. Section 17(2) of the Succession Law Reform Act (“SLRA”) provides that for parties that have obtained legal divorce, any reference to a former spouse in an individual’s will is revoked and the will is construed […]
Common Law vs. Marriage
/in Family Law /by Roger MacIntoshCommon Law and Marriage are often confused when it comes to the division of property and other rights and obligations upon separation. In order to know what you’re entitled to, it’s important to understand the distinction between these two terms so you can create the best plan for your future. What may be confusing to […]
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Waterloo, Ontario
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